


科技推动社会发展。随着智能制造时代的到来,数字技术变成了一颗耀眼的明星。各国竞相发展、应用相关技术。中国的发展情况和趋势是什么样的呢?3月18日——今天,ABB集团首席执行官史毕福博士(Ulrich Spiesshofer)出席在北京举行的“中国发展高层论坛”并发表主题演讲。同时,他还通过题为《数字化与产业升级》的署名文章,探讨如何通过数字化技术让企业大幅提升效率和生产力,实现《中国制造2025》提出的制造强国目标。小编在此献上史毕福博士的署名文章《数字化与产业升级》,答案你们自己找哦。





In its quest to become a stronger manufacturer, China is on track to boost its global competitiveness through Made in China 2025, an initiative to accelerate energy efficiency and productivity, and to support investment in advanced technologies. 

Today, China has 49 robots per 10,000 workers in industry, compared with 176 in the United States, around 300 in Japan and Germany, and 531 in South Korea, according to the International Federation of Robotics. The country’s productivity is less than a tenth of the levels in Europe, Japan and the US, respectively, according to the International Labor Organization and the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

中国工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌在刚刚结束的两会期间表示,中国 2016 年工业机器人产量已经达到7.24万台,同比增长了34.3%,同时,工业机器人已经从传统的汽车制造向机械、电子、化工、轻工、船舶、矿山开采等领域迅速拓展。


That said, few countries are better positioned than China to embrace the digital revolution. The country already has almost a quarter of the world’s internet users, more than the next three largest countries combined: the US, India and Japan. It is the world’s largest digital retail market and it has by far the most machine-to-machine mobile connections. 

The challenge is to integrate Chinese enterprises into the digital economy by connecting their robots, machines and plants to the industrial internet.

对企业而言,数字化的一大优势是可以迅速带来效益,且无需斥巨资投资新工厂和设备。ABB去年推出的一款低成本智能传感器就是很好的例证。该传感器将低压电机与工业互联网相连,可对电机进行连续监测。传感器将振动、温度、负载和功率消耗等数据传输到智能云,一旦任何参数偏离标准值,就可生成警报。 这样一来,用户就能在电机发生故障前采取预防措施。由于传感器和电机之间不通过电气连接,未经授权者无法通过传感器获取对电机的控制权,因此网络安全得到充分保障。该传感器使用行业标准加密协议将数据传输到服务器,并以加密形式存储于云端。

One advantage of digitalization is that enterprises can reap benefits quickly without needing to make substantial investments in new plant and equipment. 

For instance, an easily affordable smart sensor device ABB Group launched last year connects low-voltage electric motors to the industrial internet, allowing them to be continuously monitored. 

The sensor transmits data on vibration, temperature, loads and power consumption to the intelligent cloud and alerts are generated as soon as any of the parameters deviate from the norm. That way the owner can take preventive action before a motor malfunctions. 

Cybersecurity is assured because there is no electrical connection between the sensor and motor, so no unauthorized party can gain control of the motor through the unit. Data is transferred to servers using industry standard encryption protocols and is stored in an encrypted form in the cloud.


Early indications show that this smart sensor solution leads to a reduction in motors’ downtime by up to 70 percent and an extension of their lifespan by up to 30 percent. Acting on the data in order to optimize the motor’s performance can reduce energy consumption by as much as 10 percent. 


Digital technologies, such as sensors, cloud computing and processing power, have made it possible to remotely monitor all manner of equipment, allowing technicians to pre-empt malfunctions and to track every product throughout any production and delivery processes. Applied across industrial plants, the improvements in lead time, productivity and quality can be exponential. 


However, for many enterprises, the challenge is knowing what to do with all the data generated by their equipment and systems. In some cases, the data deluge - as it is known - has overwhelmed many companies, leading them to scale back or even put on hold plans to digitalize their operations. 

Industrial companies can avoid this pitfall by working with partners that not only provide data, but also actionable information that the company can apply directly to their operations.

ABB是为数不多的可以提供此类服务的企业之一。我们具备数字化专业知识,同时在电网、工业机器人和工业控制系统领域的全球装机量位居前茅。 我们对来自客户设备、机器人和设施的数据进行分析,将其与我们基于全球装机规模的各种信息进行比较,生成可转化为行动的建议,帮助客户优化运营。在互联互通日益普及的背景下,任何单一解决方案都无法确保系统安全,因此,ABB通过与客户紧密合作,使用多个安全层级来发现并防止隐患。

ABB is one of a small number of companies that is able to provide such information because, as well as having digital know-how, we have one of the largest installed bases - including power grids, industrial robotics and control systems - in the industry. 

We analyze data from our customers’ machines, robots and facilities, compare this with everything we have learned from our global installed base and then provide our customers with actionable information with which they can optimize their operations. 


In China, digital technologies have enormous potential in the areas of energy, industry, and transport and infrastructure. To achieve its energy transition, the country needs high-voltage transmission infrastructure supported by intelligent grids to manage power flows from intermittent renewable energy sources and to route power to where it is needed. 

China needs to improve its industries’ uptime, speed and yield as well as to upgrade its industrial base through automation. 

To tackle urban air pollution and manage its expanding mega-cities, China should look to transition rapidly to electric mobility and improve the energy efficiency and performance of its buildings and infrastructure.


Digital technologies offer a fast and effective way to address these challenges, as well as to lead the upward shift of the industrial value chain.

There is strong evidence to suggest that digital technologies spur innovation by placing advanced technologies within reach of entrepreneurs. This is evident with the staggering success of online retailer Alibaba Group, taxi-hailing app Didi Chuxing, and Tencent Holdings’ messaging and electronic payments platform, WeChat. 

The more China can embrace digital technologies in industry, the more it can expect to see pioneering technology solutions emerging in the industrial space.